Friday, 24 October 2014

Woes of the Sun ( with Velona Seth).

I grew up in a mud house-
Only full of bitterness,
Yet they tell me to smile,
I won't, even for a while,
Life knows no happiness.

I ululate today, alive;
I mourn from infancy, striving to survive,
On a pint of milk so high,
On a gramme of unga expensive to buy,
Whilst gold's good at hide and seek.

Did you also feed on left overs?
Couldn't imagine I'd grow older,
Chapa kazi... even at this age,
I toil only for peanuts,
If only I could choose my life...

I outdid dogs and hogs in pits,
Till I was ripe for wheels:
I ride to where I little know,
The filthy streets aren't safe anymore,
At roadblocks I must stop--
So they can sip,
A little of my sweat.

You are better off-
At sunset she brings tea and half a loaf,
Wish I had a wife;
So unbearable: this life,
It wouldn't allow me...

Tea and loaf are served with a dish of trouble--
A huge budget like the register of hell!
As if I'm a government minister,
Little I offer,
To keep us awake for morrow,
And she packs...

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