Friday 6 November 2015

The Road is Safe (for Schero)

We tiptoed, under surveillance, long enough
To satisfy the throbbing of our hearts, and vision-hungry eyes
And hide from eyes that itched with malice upon sighting us
But most often we by-passed each other
As we feared eyes prying in the thicket
But most often we by-passed each other
Seeking to accomplish our prime missions
And succumbed to the fire burning in us.

This expansive road now kisses its dead end
Afterwhich a myriad of narrow paths sprout
We shall take one to safely convey us home;
We shall stab not toes onto stones
nor confine ourselves miles from each other
for the sake of eyes prying in the thicket
No. For us, the road is safer!

We can snail our pace, and let the sun set with its woes
To welcome the elegant moon, with songs of romance
Kiss passionately, as the stars cheer us
We can sit by the roadside and re-tell
Tales of Hunger we whispered
Then I'll carry you on my back, and stagger home
For us, the road is safer.

We can now fall into each other's arms and swing to glory
We can sing our names in tongues we know best
We can have each other from dawn to dusk
For today, my love
The road, for us, is safer!

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